Movie Review: Snatched (2017)

Synopsis: After her boyfriend breaks up with her, Emily Middleton can't find anyone to go on a non-refundable trip to Ecuador with her and ends up inviting her reluctant and very conservative mother, Linda, to go with her. Not heeding her mother's advice, Emily hangs out with a man she met at the bar and both women end up kidnapped and held for ransom.

Who's in it? The movie stars Amy Schumer, Goldie Hawn, Wanda Sykes, Joan Cusack and Tom Bateman.

Review: My wife is not an Amy Schumer fan and I had yet to see Goldie Hawn in a role I really liked. So, when we ended up watching this movie last night, neither of us had high expectations for it. In fact, the only reason I had this film was it came free with the pizza we ordered a few nights ago. However, after watching it last night, I have to admit it surprised me.

I'm not going to tell you it's the best comedy I've ever seen because it isn't. In fact, there are a few scenes in the movie that really weren't as funny as I think they were meant to be (like the really disgusting tapeworm scene) and many other times when the film was a little too predictable. That being said, there were actually quite a few things I found I did like about this movie.

Goldie Hawn, for one, was outstanding. As I said before, I'm not a fan of her earlier performances. But, she really pulled off the mom role in this one. She was quirky enough to be funny but also had just enough common sense to be believable as the voice of reason.  An awful lot could have been prevented had her daughter (Schumer) simply listened to her.

The character I found I really liked in this movie though was Roger Simmons (Christopher Meloni). He added a spark when the movie was starting to drag a little bit and I absolutely loved how he acted like he knew what he was doing even when it became painfully obvious he was as clueless as the women he was trying to help.

I also loved the U. S. State Department official, Morgan Russell (Bashir Salahuddin), and how he calmly and almost callously kept telling the women and their son/brother (Ike Barinholtz) there was nothing he could do to help them. I really didn't know whether to hate him or feel sorry for him because he was just doing his job.

Two characters I could have done without, however, were Ruth (Sykes) and Barb (Cusack). This is largely because they just seemed to be throw-in characters that ultimately didn't have any real impact on the film. I personally would have loved to see them written out so Roger Simmons could have gotten a larger role.

Final Opinion: As I said, it's not the best comedy I've watched. But, the film managed to have its moments and definitely exceeded my expectations. I'll give it a passing grade because of that.

My Grade: B


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