Morning Walk Photos 6/27/2017
A long time ago, back before global warming was the media darling it is now, I had a college professor predict another ice age that would start within my lifetime.
This morning, as I went for my walk in temperatures that I would expect in early April (not when it is almost July), I started to think maybe he was right. But, I trudged through (fortunately, I had a change of socks with me this time) and managed to get a few photos.
I saw this mallard swimming around in one of the ponds this morning. It was eyeing me the whole time so I suspect he was guarding a nest somewhere.
I would have loved to have gotten a better photo of this heron. But, it spotted me right away and flew off the second I tried to get closer to it.
I saw this little marsh bird poking its head out at me from the grass and grabbed a photo of it when it came out into the open for a couple minutes.
This dragonfly landed next to me while I was checking out one of the ponds. Since it was more interesting than anything I saw on the water, I grabbed a photo of it.
Love the pix!