I'm Making Pinto Bean Soup for Tonight

This is something I normally save for colder evenings. But, Summer has dance class tonight and Azalea has skating lessons and, because of that, it'll be after 7 before my wife and I have a chance to sit down and have dinner. I figured pinto bean soup made in the slow cooker would be a nice alternative to frozen pizza.

I also like the fact this is something I can make for less than $5. There's really only three necessary ingredients - one pound of pinto beans ($1.39), a ham steak ($2.39) and an onion (roughly 15 cents because I bought a bag of them).

The pinto beans needed to be rinsed then soaked over night (there's supposedly a quick method of soaking them but I prefer this way) so I chopped up the ham steak and onions too and, this morning, the only thing I had to do was put them in the slow cooker with some water and turn it on low. It should be done by the time we can sit down to eat and I'm sure I'll have leftovers for lunch tomorrow.

Of course, my wife did remind me she prefers to have corn bread with her soup, something I completely forgot about when I was shopping for the ingredients. Fortunately, since I won't have time to do it, my mom is going to pick up a box of corn bread mix and bake a loaf for us. All I have to do with that is stop by my parents' house on the way back from the ice rink.


  1. That sounds really good...& thanks to your Mom for making Cyndi her corn bread...


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