
Showing posts from January, 2018

Book Review: Lord Edgware Dies by Agatha Christie (1933)

Synopsis: When Lord Edgware is murdered, his actress wife, Jane Wilkinson is the primary suspect, both because she wanted to end her unhappy marriage so she could marry another man and because witnesses swear she was at the house when he was killed. However, when it is revealed her husband was willing to divorce her and she was at a dinner party the same night, it is up to Hercule Poirot to figure out who else had a motive for murdering him. You can read my review here:

Review of Schweigert Buffalo-Style Chicken Wings

Product Description: Fully-cooked, frozen chicken wings from the Schweigert brand. I purchased a bag of the Buffalo-seasoned wings for $8.99 at one of our local grocery stores while doing some other shopping yesterday evening. I ended up making some of these wings last night and served them with the pizza dinner we were having. You can read my review here:

My New Car Experienced Its First Mechanical Issue

One of the main reasons I choose to lease a new car rather than buy a pre-owned (more affordable) one is I simply do not trust cars enough to feel comfortable having one without a warranty. Today, that decision paid off for me because the 2017 Chevy Cruze I leased just a few months ago had its first mechanical problem. To tell you the truth, I was a bit surprised by this. My "check engine" light came on while my wife and I were at Costco on Saturday and I just figured I didn't get the gas cap tight enough the last time I filled it. The fact the car seemed to be running just fine supported that theory. However, the light stayed on and I ended up taking it to the dealer today. Two hours later, the check engine light is off and the car has a new oxygen sensor. The fact that sensor already needed to be replaced (the car only has 3500 miles on it) is something I'm definitely going to be taking note of. It might just be a fluke. But, it might also be a sign of mo...

Attended My Daughter's First High School Orientation Last Night

It still hasn't quite sunk in she'll be a freshman next year. But, some of my concerns with that whole 4-year career path thing she was discussing before were lessened after hearing it explained in some depth last night. She's all excited now, mostly because she learned about some of the clubs she can join, including an art club, a Doctor Who club and possibly even an anime club. We also got to check out some of the school's new renovations (a big reason why my property taxes went up this year), including a gigantic new field house complete with an indoor track. It'll definitely look different compared to what it looked like when I went to school there.

Movie Review: Judgment Day (1999)

Synopsis: A giant asteroid is on a collision course with Earth and the planet's only hope is the asteroid-destroying weapon created by Dr. David Corbett, who is the only person who knows the proper commands to operate it. When a cult leader kidnaps Corbett in an effort to stop the use of his weapon so Earth will experience "Judgment Day," an FBI agent teams up a convict in an effort to track him down. You can read my review here:

Movie Review: Kong Skull Island (2017)

Synopsis: As the Vietnam War comes to a close, a monster hunter convinces a U.S. Senator to back an expedition to a newly-discovered island. Escorted by a US helicopter squad and guided by a former member of the British Special Air Service, his team of scientists penetrates the perpetual storm that hides the island only to find their lives in danger from a giant ape and the reptilian creatures it is at war with. You can read my review here:

Bird Feeder Photo

Since I had my camera out this morning, I was lucky enough to snap this photo too.

Happy Saturday From Mouse

I saw a hawk this morning but it was gone by the time I got my camera. So, I snapped this photo of Mouse instead.

Movie Review: The Hatred (2017)

Synopsis: When their college professor goes on a trip with his wife, he lets four of his students have a relaxing getaway in his country home in exchange for watching is daughter. However, a short time after coming to the house, the women quickly learn it is haunted by a former Nazi and the daughter he murdered. You can read my review here:

Planning a Date Night With the Wife

My oldest daughter is sleeping over at a friend's house and her younger sister was invited to sleep over at her grandparents' house tonight. So, for the first time since August (the county fair), my wife and I can actually have a date night. I'm not 100 percent sure what to do though. I do want to try out a steak restaurant that has been in town for years and we've just never had a chance to visit. But, I'm not sure how crowded that will be on a Friday night so we may just end up going to one we are more familiar with. I'm also torn between going to the movies or taking her bowling. We don't get out without the kids much so it's kind of hard to decide what to do on the rare chance we are able to.

Final Thoughts on the Riverdale Episode "The Wrestler"

Synopsis : When Jughead (Cole Sprouse) learns the truth about Riverdale's upcoming Pickens' Day celebration, he brings the town closer to civil war with the south side. Meanwhile, Archie (K.J. Apa) joins the wrestling team in an effort to get closer to Hiram Lodge (Mark Consuelos) and learn more about his business dealings. You can read my thoughts here:

Book Review: Peril at End House by Agatha Christie (1932)

Synopsis: While vacationing with his friend, Arthur Hastings, the now-retired Hercule Poirot encounters a young woman, Nick Buckley. There is nothing overly special about Nick. She has only a few friends, has no money and her family home, End House, is heavily mortgaged. Yet, somebody is trying to kill her. Image courtesy of Pixabay Review: When I started reading this book earlier this month, I was excited to get back to reading what sounded like it would be an interesting whodunit mystery. I managed to finish the book a little earlier today (while waiting for an oil change) and I have to say this is now one of my favorite Agatha Christie novels. This was definitely an interesting mystery, largely because the young Nick Buckley is such an unlikely would-be victim. Poirot has every reason to suspect her life is in danger from the start and that suspicion seemed to be confirmed when her cousin, Maggie, is murdered in what appears to be a case of mistaken identity. However, at...

Movie Review: Don't Knock Twice (2016)

Synopsis: Some time after a drug problem forced her to give up her daughter, Jess, now drug-free, seeks to reconnect with the teenager. Her daughter, Chloe reluctantly moves back in with her. However, their reunion and lives are in jeopardy because Chloe is being stalked by the spirit of a woman who killed herself after being accused of kidnapping and murdering a little boy. You can read the review here:

Need Proof We Are Making Kids Grow Up Too Fast? Just Look at High School

My daughter will be a freshman in high school next year and, today, brought home her registration packet. Actually, to be more accurate, she brought home a small novel. In fact, I didn't look at the whole book yet because it looks awfully intimidating. And, to be honest, I am simply stunned by how much they are asking for her already. I mean, she's only 13 years old. The packet itself says it all - Career Planning and Course Guide. In addition to picking out classes for her freshman year, she needs to pick a career path and plan out all four years accordingly. Keep in mind, this is before she even sets foot in the school. Granted, she is allowed to change her mind later. But, is it really necessary to push her to pick a career so early? Kids have enough pressure as it is. Let them grow up before making them decide what they want to do for the rest of their lives.

Skating Practice

There are no formal skating classes this week, but my daughter still was at the rink last night so she could prepare for her upcoming competition at the Petit Center in Milwaukee next month. Here's a video of her running through part of her compulsory program while avoiding one of our synchronized skating teams (also prepping for a competition). Incidentally, our local rink (non-profit/volunteer run) is currently entered in a competition for upgraded lighting. If you're interested in voting, here is the link:

I Have a Lake Forming in My Back Yard

We've had quite a bit of rain dumped down on us since yesterday evening and, since the ground is still frozen, there really isn't any place for it to go. As a result, I'm getting a fairly deep puddle of water where my back yard used to be. On the bright side, I don't have a basement so I don't have to worry about water in that. However, I am a little concerned about my mower and everything else in my shed since the water is right up to the door of that.

Review of Rosina Italian-Style Meatballs

My youngest daughter's gymnastics class was cancelled yesterday evening and, since we were actually going to be home for a change, my wife suggested spaghetti for dinner. I had to run to the store anyway so, while I was there, I picked up this brand of meatballs to go with it. I couldn't remember if I had this brand before and only purchased it because the $2.49 price seemed somewhat reasonable compared to the other brands I had to choose from (it was about $4 less). I ended up heating them up and adding them to the sauce and, overall, I have to say I was happy with the purchase. There weren't a whole lot of meatballs in the packaging. But, other than that, I really couldn't find anything negative to say about them. While they weren't the best frozen meatballs I've ever purchased, I thought they were decent enough for the money. The Italian-style meatballs had a good blend of seasonings on them. They weren't too spicy. But, at the same time, they h...

Bird Feeder Photos

I added some birdseed to the feeder today and, when they stopped by for some lunch, I grabbed my camera. Here are some of the photos:

Just a Little Skating Update

I didn't get an opportunity to post anything last night because we were at the rink until pretty late. However, my oldest daughter had her ice show audition as planned and did really well. She was the fourth skater on the ice and, despite some nerves and a case of the stumbles during warm up, put in a solid performance. Her program wasn't flawless. But, she was the first (and one of very few for the night) skater to be told she didn't need to re-do any moves afterwards. We'll have to wait at least a couple weeks to find out if she got any sort of featured part in the show. At this point, I think she has a chance but, at the same time, she's still a little bit of a long shot because there is a built-in pecking order with the older skaters (rightfully) getting an edge as well as (even though nobody admits it) skaters who have parents with deep pockets.

They Always Look So Innocent When They Are Asleep

OK, to be fair, Mouse is actually pretty well behaved. He'll sometimes copy his brother, Echo, like this morning when they were both messing with the furnace and making a lot of noise in the process. But, unlike Echo, I have yet to see him get up on the counter or do anything really terrible. That being said, it's still nice when one (or both) of them curls up on the couch and stays out of trouble completely.

Big Audition Night for My Daughter Tonight

Our annual ice show is in April (it's based on Rapunzel) and, tonight, skaters are able to audition for a featured role. My daughter, Azalea, will be the fourth one taking the ice. She's been working on her audition program for about three weeks and seems ready to go, though I am a little concerned about one of her jumps (it's at the very end and she sometimes has a hard time hitting it because she's starting to get tired). I think it will ultimately come down to presentation, however. As I told her (and her coach has confirmed), the panel of judges (which is basically all the coaches from our rink) are looking for skaters who can interact with the audience. So, in addition to the moves (and maybe a little more), she needs to remember to make eye contact and look like she's having fun. Since her program is performed without music, I told her to pick a song she really loves and pretend she's skating to that. She tried that during her last practice sessio...

Book Review: The Murder at the Vicarage by Agatha Christie (1930)

Synopsis : The much-despised Colonel Lucius Protheroe is found murdered in the vicar's study. There is a wide range of potential suspects, including his cheating wife and her lover and the vicar himself, and it appears the murderer may never be caught. However, the vicar's next door neighbor is Miss Jane Marple and no detail ever escapes her. Review : Even though I had heard of Agatha Christie's Miss Marple character, I honestly didn't know a whole lot about her prior to reading this book, which is also the first novel she appears in. As  result of that, I really wasn't sure what to think about her, especially since, at first at least, she didn't seem to have much of a role in this story. As it turns out, however, I found I liked her and this mystery. The thing I found I liked about Miss Marple is she brings a lot of the same observational skills Christie's other famous detective, Hercule Poirot , offers. But, unlike the very arrogant Poirot, she is m...

Overnight Winter Wonderland

It's would probably be hard to believe it now. However, yesterday at this time, there wasn't a flake of snow on the ground. Now we have about 3 inches and it's still coming down. Looks like shoveling is in my forecast.

Mouse Says Hi

Just a photo of Mouse as he hung out on the back of the couch this morning.

Movie Review: Mimic 2 (2001)

Synopsis : Four years after the Judas bugs were believed to have been destroyed, four men are found mutilated in New York. Their only connection is entomologist/school teacher Remy Panos, who becomes the police department's primary suspect. However, the real killer is a surviving Judas bug that intends to mate with her. Who's in it? The movie stars Alix Koromzay, Bruno Campos , Will Estes , Jim O'Heir and Jon Polito . Review: Even though I ended up liking the first film more than I was expecting, I did have quite a few doubts about the sequel. However, I ended up recording it anyway and my wife and I watched it yesterday afternoon. As it turns out, I was right to be skeptical. Normally, a sequel has a halfway decent premise but poor execution, largely from a less talented cast. I honestly can't say that about this movie, everything about it was just plain bad. In fact, I think the overall premise of the film was its biggest weakness. A giant bug stalking ...

Feeling a Little Old This Weekend

We received this in the mail yesterday evening. It's probably something that shouldn't have surprised me. But, the letter definitely drove things home. My oldest daughter will be a freshman next year. It's not even a matter of me remembering changing her diapers. I could have sworn I just graduated myself a few years ago. Wow, time flies.

Review of Kirkland Signature 5-Cheese Tortellini with Parmigiana

Even though I don't buy fresh pasta very often (because of the price), I do like to have it on special occasions. So, when I had an opportunity to buy this product at Costco a few days ago, I did. And, overall, I have to say I was happy with this purchase. My decision to buy this product was based partly on the price. I thought $9.99 for 6 pounds (two 3-pound packages) of fresh tortellini was a pretty good deal, especially since it normally costs me about $3.50 for a one-pound bag of frozen tortellini. But, after having it, I would purchase it regardless of price. One thing, in particular, I like about this product is the size of the tortellini. They aren't huge. But, they are definitely larger than the frozen ones we buy. This helped make them a lot more filling. Also, the tortellini were filled with cheese. This probably shouldn't have surprised me. But, I've had plenty of other similar products that promised to have a lot of cheese in them that didn't. S...

Movie Review: Clash of the Titans (2010)

Synopsis: Zeus' demigod son, Perseus, knows nothing about his lineage until the humans declare war on the gods and his adoptive family becomes an innocent casualty. Angry at Hades over his family's death, Perseus joins forces with the humans and goes on a quest to save a princess from the Kraken. Who's in it? The movie stars Sam Worthington , Liam Neeson , Ralph Fiennes , Gemma Arterton and Jason Flemyng. Review: I originally saw this movie several years ago, not long after it came out on DVD, and didn't like it. However, I'm a huge fan of the 1981 original and, after some reflection, realized I probably didn't give this film a fair chance. So, when I had an opportunity to watch it again earlier this week, I decided to do so. And, after seeing it again, I do have a much better opinion of it. I'll start out by saying I still prefer the original. Sure, this re-make has better special effects. But, there is just something much more memorable about...

Movie Review: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017)

Synopsis: After a botched bank robbery attempt, Captain Jack Sparrow's crew abandons him. When he gives away his compass for a bottle of rum, he inadvertently releases a vengeful ghost captain from captivity and, with his life in danger, teams up with Will Turner's son, Henry, and a female astronomer to find Poseidon's trident, the one thing that will stop the ghost captain and will free Will Turner from his Flying Dutchman curse. Who's in it? The movie stars Johnny Depp , Geoffrey Rush , Javier Bardem , Brenton Thwaites and Kaya Scodelario . Review : To tell you the truth, when I heard they were making a 5th Pirates of the Caribbean movie, I wasn't really sure what to think. Overall, I liked the previous four films (though the first is still the best). But, every franchise starts to run its course after a while and I figured five movies might be at least one too many. However, when my wife discovered this film was on Netflix, we decided to take the time...

It's Going to Feel a Bit Like This

OK, maybe that is a little bit of an exaggeration. But, in reality, we're apparently looking at a drop of us much as 53 degrees in a matter of hours. It was almost 50 degrees out when I left for the office this morning. Tomorrow, at the same time, they are predicting as low as minus 3 with windchill. I guess Old Man Winter is fighting back with a vengeance.

Movie Review: A Tale of Two Coreys (2018)

Synopsis: In the 1980s, child stars Corey Feldman and Corey Haim quickly rise to be among some of the most famous actors in Hollywood and become close friends in the process. However, when they aren't filming movies, their careers and lives are on the verge of a downward spiral from partying, drugs and child molesters. Who's in it? The movie stars Elijah Marcano , Justin Ellings , Scott Bosely , Casey Leach , Paula Lindberg and Patrick Muldoon . Review: My wife recorded this made-for-TV movie when it aired earlier this week, mostly because she was a fan of the two Coreys when she was younger. I had some doubts about the film (let's just say I'm not as big of a fan as she is) but ended up watching it with her last night. While not great by any means, I did have to admit the movie was better than I was expecting. The fact Feldman (Marcano and Bosely) and his Hollywood soulmate Haim (Ellings and Leach) had issues with drugs is pretty much common knowledge at...

Movie Review: Mimic (1997)

Synopsis: After a new disease proves fatal for hundreds of children, entomologist Dr. Susan Tyler creates a new bug species designed to wipe out the cockroaches that are spreading the disease. The new species was supposed to have died out after one generation. However, three years later, she discovers the bug is still alive, has evolved, has grown and can now mimic humans. Who's in it? The movie stars Mira Sorvino , Jeremy Northam , Alexander Goodwin , Josh Brolin , Charles S. Dutton and Norman Reedus . Review: I came across this film (and the sequels) on one of our movie channels and, since it had been a while since I last watched it, I decided to record it. My wife and I ended up finishing it last night and I have to say the film is better than I remember. Bug-themed horror films are always a bit hit or miss. They can either be very creepy and make you feel like you have something crawling up your back. Or, the filmmakers can go a bit overboard, make the mistake of m...

They Finalized the 2017 Skating Points

My daughter actually received her 2nd-place medal back in November so this wasn't much of a surprise. But, I checked this morning and they finally made the results of the 2017 Wisconsin Compete With Us Series official. This is her second series medal. She shared 1st place for the Basic 8 category back in 2015 and probably would have had a shot at a third one last year had she not broken her foot at school. To win a series medal, she had to compete at a minimum of 2 competitions held throughout the state (she skated at 6). Points are awarded based on how she placed at those competitions and were accumulated throughout the year. The top three earn medals. She finished second out of about 75 skaters that competed at the high beginner level. I'm not sure if she'll be eligible for another medal going forward. She's moving up to the pre-preliminary level this year and, as far as I can tell, that level and higher aren't included. But, we'll be able to compensate...

Review of Pappalo's Uncured Pepperoni Pizza Snacks

I came across this product while shopping at Costco late last month, when it happened to be next to another item I had planned on buying. Since it sounded like something I would eat and was only $8.99 for 120, I decided to make the purchase. Even though I liked the price of this item, I did have some doubts about it when I put the box in my cart. While this might seem like something that would be hard to screw up, I've had a few similar products (mostly bargain brand) that were actually quite disgusting. And, because of that, I honestly wasn't sure if I was getting a great deal or wasting money on something I wouldn't enjoy. As it turns out, it was a good purchase. I actually forgot I even had these until coming across them in my freezer yesterday morning. I decided to have some for lunch and was actually pretty impressed with them. I don't hate pepperoni, but it normally isn't my favorite option either. However, this pepperoni had a decent taste to it. It ...

Review of Kirkland Signature Swift Premium Pork Sirloin Tip Roast

When my wife and I did some shopping at Costco several days ago, one of our objectives was to re-stock our freezer with meat. This included finding items we could prepare in our slow cooker so, when I came across a 4-pack of their Kirkland Signature Swift Premium Pork Sirloin Tip Roasts, I didn't hesitate to throw them in our cart. There were two reasons for this purchase. The first is roasts are easy to make (especially in the slow cooker). The second was the $1.75/pound price was very reasonable, essentially giving us four meals (plus leftovers) for less than $20. And, after trying one of these a few days ago, I have to say I was very pleased with our purchase. To tell you the truth, I'm actually not a huge fan of pork roast. Yes, it is convenient. But, more often than not, the roasts we purchase come out tough and dry and just aren't overly enjoyable as a result. This roast, however, was definitely different. The one my wife ended up preparing was tender and jui...

Movie Review: Get Out (2017)

Synopsis: When a black man visits his white girlfriend's family, he discovers her parents and other family members are much more accepting of him than he expected. However, when every other black person he encounters behaves strangely, he begins to suspect he may be in danger. Who's in it? The movie stars Daniel Kaluuya , Allison Williams , Catherine Keener , Bradley Whitford and Betty Gabriel . Review: Even though I had heard of this movie, I honestly didn't fully understand what it was. As a result, when I got the DVD through Netflix, I wasn't sure if it was a horror film, comedy or something else. After watching it last night, I have to say it fell into that "something else" category and it was a much better movie than I was expecting. The film actually reminded me a lot of the film The Stepford Wives . Only, instead of wives acting strangely, it was anyone of a certain skin color. And, I have to admit, the film was intriguing as a result. On...

Mouse's New Pillow

I walked into the bedroom last night and discovered this. I'm not sure if Echo was OK with Mouse using him as a pillow or was just too tired to care.

Review of Jimmy Dean Bacon & Veggies Stuffed Hash Browns

I first noticed this product in the freezer section of one of our local grocery stores a couple weeks ago. While it looked interesting, I was a bit turned off by the price ($6.29 for four) and decided not to purchase it. However, I had to run by the store yesterday evening and, while there, I saw this product again. Since yesterday was payday, I decided to splurge and picked up a box to share with my wife. I had one today and, while it wasn't terrible, it really didn't do enough to convince me I didn't waste my money. I'll start out by saying I do like the uniqueness and convenience of this product. The stuffed hash browns combine some of my favorite breakfast items in an easy-to-make form. All I had to do to make this product was slide it into the enclosed sleeve, microwave it for a couple minutes and then let it sit for an addition two minutes. This made it a very convenient breakfast I could eat at the office. I was also pleasantly surprised by how the h...

He Found Another Box

OK, technically, Echo didn't find this box. I found it for him because he was being a pest while we were trying to watch a movie last night. But, he did spend quite a bit of time in it this morning. So, I think he's happy.

Well, I Had One Number on the Powerball Last Night

I very rarely buy lottery tickets, mostly because I rarely have cash on me and, when I do, I try to hold onto it as long as possible. However, the jackpot on the Powerball has reached a high enough number where I felt investing the $2 I won on a scratch off (a Christmas present) wouldn't hurt. Predictably, I didn't win anything. I checked the numbers earlier today and I had one (the number 18). The ironic part of it though (which is also a bit sad) is having one number drawn is officially the closest I've ever come to winning the jackpot. Up until this point, I don't remember ever purchasing a lotto that even had that many numbers drawn. In other words, you would be wise not to ask me to pick lottery numbers for you.

Thoughts From the Law & Order: SVU Episode "Gone Baby Gone"

Synopsis: When Noah ( Ryan Buggle ) goes missing while shopping with his grandmother, Sheila ( Brooke Shields ), a frantic Benson ( Mariska Hargitay ) and her team pull out all stops in an effort to locate him. When she learns the kidnapping isn't random, Benson takes it upon herself to retrieve her son. My Thoughts: 1. I  probably shouldn't have been, but I was genuinely surprised when Benson and her team discovered Sheila was behind the kidnapping from the start. While that thought did, admittedly, cross my mind when Noah went missing, her initial reaction was very believable and I honestly thought she was as shaken up by his kidnapping as anyone. 2. I also have to applaud just how much thought she put into her plan. In addition to a great acting job, she took several steps to hinder the investigation, including giving the detectives the description of another man in the mall, having the kidnapper, Juan ( Frank Pando ) pretend to take a bus and, just in case he was ...

That Cat Sure Likes His Boxes

Another photo shared by my wife this morning. She apparently put this box on the couch and Echo claimed it as his own. It didn't matter if he actually fit into it or not.

Movie Review: The Vault (2017)

Synopsis: In 1982, a bank robber took hostages and, after a long standoff, killed them before setting the bank on fire. More than three decades later, a group of bank robbers attempt to rob the same bank and, when they open the old safe in the basement, unwittingly release the ghosts of those who died in the previous attempt. Who's in it? The movie stars James Franco , Taryn Manning , Francesca Eastwood , Scott Haze and Clifton Collins, Jr. Review: I ended up picking out this movie on Netflix last night mostly because I didn't have anything else in mind and it looked somewhat different. However, since I had never heard of the film up until that point, I wasn't really sure what to expect from it (despite recognizing some of the actors in it). As it turns out, my opinion of it was a bit mixed. The premise is actually not a terrible one. A team of bank robbers take hostages and, when they manage to open an old vault, are terrorized by the deceased hostages from a ...

My Personal Wish List for the Green Bay Packers' Next General Manager

With Ted Thompson officially transitioning out of the general manager role he has held for 13 seasons, the Green Bay Packers are in the process of looking for the next guy to lead the team. I know there will be those who disagree with me, but I think Ted Thompson did an excellent job building the Packers'. Sure, he wasn't perfect (nobody is). But, Green Bay has been a perennial playoff contender, has one Super Bowl ring and came very close to returning on more than one occasion. And, this came despite drafting toward the bottom on a regular basis, in part because of the un-drafted gems (like Sam Shields) Thompson found. Of course, as I said, nobody is perfect. And, I'm keeping some of his weaknesses (as well as his strengths) in mind with this list. 1. The next GM needs to have a scouting background. Sure, there are plenty of teams with general managers that don't have that on their resume. But, as I said before, part of the team's long-term success has...

Final Thoughts From the Kindred Spirits Episode "Don't Go Into the Attic"

Synopsis : Amy Bruni and Adam Berry investigate a home after the family reports spiritual activity that started shortly after they opened up a previously-sealed attic. The episode first aired January 1, 2018. Review: 1. As is the case with many shows of this nature, there were some things that were explained as paranormal that probably had other, legitimate explanations. The lamp that turned off and on by itself, for example, could have had a short in it. And, more importantly, the report of a knife "flying" from the attic when it was opened up sounds a bit exaggerated (it probably just fell out of the attic). 2. I try, but I just can't accept the digital stick figures on their full spectrum camera as real evidence. Sure, the dots look like people. But, I only see the dots. I don't see the shadow figures they are supposed to be pointing out. I've honestly seen more convincing evidence on Polaroid photos. 3. I will admit, the voice recordings they capt...

Happy 2018!

I hope everyone had a safe and happy New Year's Eve. I spent half of mine at an ice rink (of course) volunteering at the annual New Year's Eve open skate. Then, my wife and I stayed up and watched Law & Order: SVU re-runs until midnight. So, pretty much what we do every year. The new year is starting out pretty harsh today with wind chills as low as -22 degrees. So, we'll probably just spend the day inside and get ready to get back to work/school tomorrow.

Resting Up for Midnight

Echo ended up crawling up on the couch and taking a nap like this for a few hours. Needless to say, he was well-rested (and a bit of a pain in the butt) last night as we were waiting for midnight.