
Showing posts from February, 2021

Movie Review: The Duff (2015)

Synopsis:  High school senior Bianca Piper learns she is the DUFF (Designated Ugly Fat Friend) of her social group and, determined to both shake the label and gain the confidence to ask her crush out on a date, she convinces her popular neighbor, Wesley Rush, to assist her in exchange for helping him pass science. However, thanks to a school bully, their efforts wind up making her even less popular. Who's in it? The movie stars Mae Whitman , Robbie Amell , Bella Thorne , Skyler Samuels , Bianca A. Santos , Allison Janney and Ken Jeong . Review: I ended up getting this movie on DVD through Netflix after my wife saw a trailer for it and said she wanted to watch it. We ended up finally seeing the film earlier tonight. I am always a bit skeptical when it comes to romantic comedies. This is because many of them tend to be extremely hypocritical by sharing a message about the importance of women being happy with who they are but, at the same time, telling them their life isn't going...

Book Review: The Boomerang Clue by Agatha Christie (1934)

Synopsis: While playing an erratic round of golf, Bobby Jones finds a stranger at the bottom of a cliff. It is too late to save the man's life but Bobby is with him when he mutters his last words, "why didn't they ask Evans?" The death is ruled accidental but when someone tries to poison Bobby, his friend Lady Frances Derwent, suspects the deceased man was pushed and the pair decide to investigate. Review: It had been a while since I took the time to read an Agatha Christie mystery so, while I was at the library last week, I picked up this book. I wasn't really sure what to expect from it but it turned out to be one of my favorites. I think the thing that intrigued me about this book was the way it seemed to have multiple storylines that may or may not be related to each other. Bobby and "Frankie" came across multiple possible suspects ranging from a man who was left alone with the body to a doctor that may or may not be planning to kill his wife but, ...

Movie Review: The Atomic Submarine (1959)

Synopsis: A specially-modified naval submarine is sent to the North Pole to investigate a series of ship disappearances. They ultimately discover a flying saucer. Who's in it? The movie stars Arthur Franz , Tom Conway , Brett Halsey , Dick Foran and Paul Dubov . Review: I ended up picking out this movie to watch early this morning mostly becaue it had a shorter runtime but also because I enjoyed the last submarine movie I watched . Unfortunately, while this sounded good in the description, I wasn't as big of a fan of this film as I thought I would be. My biggest problem with this movie was there was an awful lot of talking for a film that sounded like it would have a lot of action. In fact, I was beginning to wonder if they would ever do anything exciting at all. It didn't help that the movie, at times, seemed like it was more of a military propaganda film than anything else, especially when the ship's commander (Franz) was arguing with a pacifist scientist (Halsey)...

Movie Review: Shake, Rattle and Rock (1956)

Synopsis: Disc jockey Garry Nelson has successfully used rock music to reduce juvenile delinquency in his town. Despite this, his television show is at risk of being canceled because of a militant group of concerned citizens that object to the songs he plays. His only hope is to defend rock and roll in a publically-broadcasted trial. Who's in it? The movie stars Mike Connors , Sterling Holloway , Lisa Gaye , Margaret Dumont and Fats Domino. Review: I decided to change things up yesterday morning and, instead of selecting a murder mystery, looked for something a bit different. This film sounded interesting and I wound up watching it. To be honest, I wasn't really expecting much from this movie. From the description, it sounded like it was a film that would mostly showcase some of the stars from the time period. And, I wasn't completely wrong, a good chunk of this movie featured performers like Fats Domino and Big Joe Turner. The overall movie, however, turned out to be bett...

Book Review: The Pirate Queen by Susan Ronald (2007)

Synopsis : When Elizabeth Tudor was named queen of England in 1558, her kingdom was on the verge of financial ruin and her life was under constant threat from those who did not want to see her in power. This non-fiction book tells the story of how she used private merchant vessels and pirates to rebuild the kingdom and turn it into an empire. Review: I was in the mood to read something educational and, now that our library has re-opened following a COVID-related shut down, I took the time to visit the non-fiction section. This book looked somewhat interesting, so I decided to give it a try. Overall, I have to say I was happy with that decision. The book, as advertised, does go into detail about Elizabeth's dealings with the likes of Sir Francis Drake and Sir Walter Raleigh. However, as I read the book, I found I was less interested in them than I was Elizabeth herself and, in particular, how she used an amazing amount of cunning to keep the wolves from getting in the door. The aut...

Movie Review: Submarine Seahawk (1958)

Synopsis: An efficient but unliked naval officer is given command of a World War II submarine with orders to locate missing Japanese ships. His orders are to avoid engaging in combat with enemy ships, something that leads to tension with his crew. Who's in it? The movie stars John Bentley , Brett Halsey , Wayne Heffley , Steve Mitchell and Henry McCann. Review : I don't watch war movies on a regular basis but, every so often, will come across one that looks interesting. That was the case with this film, which I watched earlier today, and, after seeing it, I do have to say I enjoyed it. The overall plot of this movie is somewhat unique. The sub's new commander, Paul Turner (Bentley) has strict orders not to fire on other ships, to avoid giving away his reconnaissance mission, and while the orders make some sense and he even goes out of his way to share them with his officers, the tension over them steadily grows as they pass up one target after another and even come under...

Movie Review: Captain Blood (1935)

Synopsis:  Convicted of treason after helping a rebel during the Monmouth Rebellion against King James II, Dr. Peter Blood is sold into slavery in India. He is purchased by the niece of a local military commander and, with her help, becomes the governor's physician. However, despite his relatively easy workload, Blood's desire to be a free man results in him escaping with other slaves and becoming a pirate captain. Who's in it? The movie stars Errol Flynn , Olivia de Havilland , Lionel Atwill , Basil Rathbone and Ross Alexander. Review: I have seen bits and pieces of this movie over the years but had never actually taken the time to watch the film in its entirety. I changed that this weekend when, feeling a bit lazy on Sunday, decided to finally watch it. After doing so, I have to say it has become one of my favorite pirate movies. The overall story was an intriguing one. Blood (Flynn) starts out as a former soldier determined to choose helping people over violence but, ...

Movie Review: Fugitive in the Sky (1936)

Synopsis: A passenger on a flight to New York is found murdered and, a short while later, the plane is hijacked by a wanted felon who forces the pilot to fly through a dust storm. If things aren't bad enough, he may not be the killer. Who's in it? The movie stars Jean Muir , Warren Hull , Gordon Oliver , Carlyle Moore, Jr. , and Howard Phillips. Review: I was in the mood for a murder mystery this morning and finally decided to watch this film, which I came across a couple weeks ago. At first, I wasn't sure if I would enjoy the movie but it turned out to be better than expected. One thing that really stood out for me about this film was the way it had a decent murder mystery. At first, it seemed like 'Killer' Madsen (Phillips) was the obvious culprit but, when he claimed to have nothing to do with it (and made a compelling argument why it made no sense for him to commit the crime), it was apparent one of the other passengers was guilty. The movie also does a good jo...

Three Ways The Andy Griffith Show Taught Me How Not to Be a Dad

I was up but everyone else was in bed this Saturday morning and, to kill time, I wound up watching some re-runs of The Andy Griffith Show . While Andy Taylor (Griffith) is arguably one of the best TV dads off all time, I realized he does have some bad parenting habits that, as a dad myself, I would be reluctant to imitate. Here are the three big ones: Taking parent advice from non-parents. Specifically, he seems to value advice from his unmarried and childless deputy Barney Fife ( Don Knotts ). Not only does Barney have zero first-hand experience raising a child, he has never even proven to be wise about everyday things in general. He'd the last person I'd ask advice from, especially when it came to any of my children. Letting his son wander alone and talk to strangers. OK, so obviously this show takes place in a different era when that probably wasn't as frowned upon as it is today. And, to be fair, Mayberry was mostly crime free, other than maybe the way people sometimes...

Movie Review: Murder, She Said (1961)

Synopsis: While traveling by train, Jane Marple witnesses a woman being strangled to death in another train. Police are unable to find a body and assume the elderly Marple was just imagining things. Determined to prove she wasn't senile, she conducts her own investigation and, believing the woman's body is hidden on the grounds of Ackenthorpe Hall, gets herself hired as a maid. Who's in it? The movie stars Dame Margaret Rutherford , Arthur Kennedy , Muriel Pavlow , James Robertson Justice and Charles Tingwell . Review: The cats were making a ruckus early this morning and, realizing there was no point in me trying to go back to sleep, I wound up getting up 30 minutes earlier than usual. Since I had plenty of time before I had to wake my oldest daughter for school, I looked for a movie to watch and eventually picked this one out. While I am a big fan of Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot , I only managed to read one Miss Marple mystery and, because of that, this film (...

Serious Bean Co. Cracked Pepper Baked Beans

I decided to pick up some pork steaks for dinner tonight and, since I needed a side dish to go with them, stopped off in the baked bean section. I originally planned on just buying a brand I was familiar with but, remembering how much I enjoyed the Sweet & Spicy Chipotle Pinto Beans from this brand, I ended up buying the cracked pepper beans instead ($1.99). I had them with dinner, as planned and, unfortunately, they just weren't as impressive as I hoped they would be. I didn't think this would be the case but, for a product that advertises cracked pepper, I actually thought these beans were a bit bland. I'm not saying they didn't have some flavor to them but there was definitely nothing about them that didn't remind me of any other baked bean I've purchased. In other words, the chipotle beans had a memorable taste (and worked great in chili). These didn't. These are a bit more expensive than the other brands of beans I had to choose from and, because o...

Book Review: Napoleon's Pyramids by William Dietrich (2008)

Synopsis: Ethan Gage, an American expatriate who learned about electricity under Benjamin Franklin, is living in post-revolutionary France when he wins an ancient Egyptian medallion in a card game. He doesn't believe the rumor about the medallion being cursed but, shortly after winning it, ends up being framed for a prostitute's murder and, to escape the charges, joins Napoleon Bonaparte's expedition to Egypt. Review: I got this book as a Christmas present from my wife and, while it wasn't something I would normally consider picking out on my own, I did think the plot sounded somewhat intriguing. I finally had a chance to finish the book yesterday evening and, overall, did enjoy it. There are a couple things about this book, in particular, that really stood out for me. The main one was definitely the mystery surrounding the medallion. From the time Ethan wins the artifact, it seems like everyone wants to possess it. Yet, at the same time, he can't find anybody who c...

Hillshire Farm Turkey Smoked Sausage

This wasn't my original plan for dinner last night. However, the store happened to have this product on sale ($2.99) and, out of curiosity, I ended up buying it. I have had other turkey products before and my opinion has always been a bit mixed. Some are OK but plenty of others just don't taste quite the same, either because of the turkey meat itself or because of over compensating by adding too much salt and other seasonings. As a result, I did wind up covering my basis by also purchasing a kielbasa to make with this. After trying it, I will say I was much more impressed than expected. I had both some of this particular product and the regular kielbasa (both from Hillshire Farm) and have to admit, if I didn't know this was made from turkey, I probably wouldn't have been able to tell the difference between the two. This sausage had a good flavor to it that wasn't overseasoned and I found I enjoyed every bite. In fact, even my picky children probably would have enjoy...

Birds Eye Crispy Carrots

I had to stop at the grocery store yesterday afternoon anyway and decided to find something for dinner while I was there. As I was walking through the freezer section, this product happened to catch my eye and, figuring it would make a different side dish, I picked up a bag ($3.90). Overall, I was happy with this purchase. I ended up making these in my toaster oven and they came out better than expected. Even though the bag referred to them as "crispy" carrots, I figured they would come out a bit on the soft side (as usually happens). Instead, they really did have a crisp texture to them. I thought the product also had a unique flavor. The breading complemented the carrot slices without drowning out the carrot flavor. It worked both as a side dish and my wife and I also thought they would also be a decent snack item as well (she especially liked hers with a side of ranch dressing). The only real negative is the product didn't take the next step by having a gluten free bre...

Movie Review: The Vatican Tapes (2015)

Synopsis: After cutting her hand receiving stitches on her birthday, Angela begins behaving strangely and eventually causes a car accident that leaves her in a coma for 40 days. After waking up, she behaves even more strangely and is ultimately committed to a psychiatric hospital. However, the Vatican believes the only way to help her is with an exorcism. Who's in it? The movie stars Olivia Taylor Dudley , John Patrick Amedori , Dougray Scott , Michael Pena and Peter Andersson . Review: Since yesterday evening was one of the few evenings my wife and I didn't have a lot going on, I decided to find a movie to watch while eating dinner. Even though this isn't the type of film I would normally watch (too many subpar ripoffs of The Exorcist out there) I decided to give it a try. It ended up being an OK movie but honestly could have been better. My biggest problem with this film is it ended up being kind of predictable. As I indicated before, most exorcism movies are essentiall...

Movie Review: The Unholy Wife (1957)

Synopsis: Unhappy in her marriage to a wine merchant and involved in an affair with a local rodeo rider, Phyllis Hochen decides to murder her husband and make it look like a prowler did it. When she accidentally kills her husband's best friend instead, she convinces her husband to take the blame for an accidental shooting then frames him for murder. Who's in it? The movie stars Diana Dors , Rod Steiger , Arthur Franz , Tom Tryon , Beulah Bondi and Gary Hunley . Review: When I first came across this movie, I wasn't really sure if it would be a film I would enjoy. However, I decided to add it to my library and did wind up watching it this morning. It ended up being an interesting film. There are a couple things, in particular, that really stood out for me when it came to this movie. One of the main ones was the way it told the story from Phyllis' (Dors) perspective, giving us a glimpse of what was going through her head as she originally planned to kill her husband (Stei...

Thoughts From the Riverdale Episode Chapter Eighty: Purgatorio

Synopsis:  Seven years after leaving Riverdale, Archie ( K.J. Apa ), Veronica ( Camila Mendes ), Betty ( Lily Reinhart ) and Jughead ( Cole Sprouse ) return to celebrate Pop Tates ( Alvin Sanders ) retirement. Only Riverdale is no longer the same as it was when they left it and, instead, is a community that has become lawless as it is strangled to death by Hiram Lodge ( Mark Consuelos ). My thoughts from this episode (which I finally had a chance to watch this weekend): 1. This isn't the first time I have watched a show like this have its characters fast forward in time. Pretty Little Liars did it during one of their final seasons (only they just fast forwarded five years). The show didn't last much longer than that and I'm not convinced this series won't suffer the same fate. That's one of the drawbacks of casting non-teenagers to play teenagers. 2. Of the four friends, Archie's decision to leave Riverdale honestly never made a whole lot of sense to me. Sure, ...

Movie Review: Bad Times at the El Royale (2018)

Synopsis: Four strangers check into the El Royale Hotel, located on the border of Nevada and California, at the same time. They all have different reasons for being there and some of them aren't who they claim to be. Who's in it? The movie stars Jeff Bridges , Dakota Johnson , Jon Hamm , Cynthia Erivo , Lewis Pullman and Chris Hemsworth . Review: I received the DVD of this movie from Netflix several weeks ago and, mostly because of the longer run time, never seemed to find time to watch it with my wife. We finally decided to watch it today and, while it wound up being better than I expected it to be, my overall opinion of it remains a bit mixed. The various characters, ranging from a woman (Johnson) who rescued her sister ( Cailee Spaeny ) from a cut leader (Hemsworth) to an aging ex-con with dementia trying to recover stolen money while posing as a priest, were interesting. I liked how the movie gradually gave each of them a back story that described how they wound up at t...

Movie Review: Five Feet Apart (2019)

Synopsis: Two teenagers, Stella and Will, dying from cystic fibrosis meet in the hospital and fall in love. However, because of their medical conditions, they must follow strict rules, including staying six feet apart at all times, a rule they decide to defy by taking one foot back. Who's in it? The movie stars Cole Sprouse , Haley Lu Richardson , Moises Arias , Kimberly Hebert Gregory and Parminder Nagra. Review: My wife has wanted to see this movie since coming across the trailer some time ago. I finally remembered to add it to our Netflix DVD queue and we took the time to watch it this evening.  To be honest, the movie is a little predictable. Basically, if you've seen one movie about sick teenagers falling in love, you've seen most of them. However, despite that, I did find I enjoyed this film. The thing that really stood out for me when it came to this movie was the wide range of emotions Will (Sprouse), Stella (Richardson) and their friend, Poe (Arias) experience t...

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Episode Review: Contagious (2005)

Synopsis:  During a medical exam following a car accident, doctors determine a 4th-grader ( Jennette McCurdy ) has been sexually molested. She eventually gives SVU detectives a name and other victims come forward, but evidence emerges pointing to false accusations being made. Review: It's extremely cold outside today so I find myself sitting on the couch watching re-runs of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit with my wife. This one came on a little while ago and impacted me a lot more than expected. On the surface, there isn't really much about this episode that sets it apart from others in the series. However, Jennette McCurdy's performance really stands out. Her fear of naming the man who abused her seemed very real and I couldn't help but feel heartbroken as they tried to navigate through that fear to get the truth. I thought the episode had a nice surprise twist involving the man she does eventually accuse ( Daniel Hugh Kelly ), especially since the case, at least...

Movie Review: Snowed Under (1936)

Synopsis:  Alan, a struggling playwright with a tight deadline, escapes to a remote cabin for some peace and quiet. Instead, a snowstorm traps him inside with his two ex-wives and an ex-girlfriend. Who's in it? The movie stars George Brent , Genevieve Tobin , Glenda Farrell , Patricia Ellis and Frank McHugh. Review: I have had this film in my library for a couple weeks but never could motivate myself to watch it. However, since we are currently having snow and dangerous wind chills outside, it seemed like a good fit this morning so I ended up watching it while everyone else was still in bed. It ended up being an OK film. The plot itself, while a little predictable (as most comedies are) was entertaining. It was fun to watch an otherwise quiet cabin become a madhouse in a matter of a few minutes as Alan (Brent) is forced to confront not only his three exes but a lawyer and deputy sheriff seeking to put him in jail for unpaid alimony. It created just enough chaos to make it seem imp...

Movie Review: I Married a Witch (1942)

Synopsis: Prior to being executed for withcraft in 1672, Jennifer puts a curse on her accuser that will prevent him and his descendents from being lucky in love. When her spirit is freed after more than two centuries, she meets the latest descendent, engaged gubernatorial candidate, Wallace Wooley, and tries to make him fall in love with her the day of his wedding only to have her spell backfire and make her love fall in love with him instead. Who's in it? The movie stars Veronica Lake , Fredric March , Robert Benchley , Susan Hayward and Elizabeth Patterson . Review: I came across this movie a few days ago and added it to my library. I wasn't really sure what to expect from it when I finally took the time to watch it this morning but it turned out to be a fun and entertaining film. There are a couple things that really stood out for me when it came to this film. One of the main ones was the wonderful way Veronica Lake played her witch character with a happy balance between b...

Star Dairy Muenster Cheese Curds

  I honestly didn't even know Muenster cheese curds were a thing until I happened to notice them while at the grocery store last night. I was intrigued, mostly because this one of my favorite types of cheese, and picked up a bag ($3.49). I gave them a try last night and was glad I made the purchase. One thing that really stood out for me when it came to these cheese curds is they weren't as salty as some others I've purchased. The curds had a nice mild flavor that made them enjoyable to eat and, because they weren't salty, I didn't feel like I needed to have something to drink immediately after. In fact, I liked the flavor so much, I had to force myself to put them back in the fridge because I was afraid I would wind up accidentally finishing the bag in one sitting (I still wound up sneaking a few more before getting ready for bed). I also liked how these cheese curds were cut in cubes. It's something relatively simple but it makes the product more attractive fo...

Just the Cheese Garlic & Chive Crunchy Mini Toasted Cheese

  Even thought I wasn't a big fan of the  Wisconsin Cheddar  variety of this product, I did decide to give another variety a chance. I grabbed this one off the shelf on my way out the door to the office this morning and had it as a quick snack.  I did find I liked this one considerably better. The crunchy cheese snacks had a good flavor to them that was noticeable without being overpowering. In other words, I was able taste the seasoning but, at the same time, also noticed the cheese. However, even though I didn't hate them, I don't know if I really liked them as a snack food option. Instead, I think this product would be a better fit as a complement to something else, such as a low carb topping on a salad. In fact, if I were to purchase them again, I think it would be with that in mind.

Kodiak Cakes Buttermilk & Maple Flapjack Power Cup

  I had a bit of a brain fart last night and forgot to scramble up some eggs for my breakfast this morning (I usually do it the night before so I don't wake my wife moving around in the kitchen). As a result, I wound up stopping by the store on my way to the office to find a replacement and, after some consideration, purchased this item for $1.78. Overall, I feel it was a good purchase. As far as breakfasts go, this was one of the easier ones to make. All I had to do was remove the lid, stir in some water and microwave the cup for about a minute. It was ready to eat by the time I checked the mail. I had some concerns about how this would taste but those concerns were quickly remedied when I tried it. The pancake had a good flavor to it, I could taste both maple and brown sugar. Plus, it was surprisingly moist. I had fully expected this to come out of the microwave dry and crumbly. Another pleasant surprise was how filling this breakfast cup turned out to be. At first glance, I was ...

Kodiak Cakes Blueberry Muffin Power Cup

  I wasn't sure if the  Flapjack Power Cup  would be filling enough for breakfast so, to be safe, I picked up this one as well. I didn't end up having it with breakfast but did decide to prepare it for an afternoon snack. Unfortunately, while I liked the Flapjack Power Cup, I was kind of disappointed by this one. Anyone who knows me, knows blueberry muffins are my favorite. In fact, I rarely eat any other kind. That's part of why I purchased this product. I've seen similar items but none of them with blueberries. From a convenience standpoint, I have no complaints. Like the other Power Cup, it was simply a matter of mixing in water and microwaving the muffin for about a minute. At minimum, it was easier and a whole lot less messy than making a batch of them to bake. My biggest problem with this one was the taste. I won't go as far as to say I hated it but I definitely didn't enjoy it as much as I was expecting. I was expecting something a little bit sweeter, esp...

Birds Eye Three Cheese Ziti

  While at the store yesterday morning, I decided to find something for dinner since I was already in the freezer section. This item caught my eye and I decided to pick it up. Ever since my wife discovered she and wheat products don't get along, one of our challenges is finding wheat-free alternatives (or alternatives that at least have less wheat) that, at minimum, the two of us enjoy (I gave up trying to find ideas that include the kids too). This has been much more of a challenge than expected, both because I'm not crazy about the taste of most items and the cost is usually a lot higher. There were two things that attracted me to this particular product. The first was the pasta was made from vegetables and the second was the price (around $6.50) was comparable to other frozen dinners of that size. The fact I could make it in the microwave was an added bonus (I always love convenience). Overall, I thought this was an OK product for the price. The pasta was surprisingly good, ...

Aqua Star Popcorn Shrimp

  I purchased this item a couple weeks ago, when my wife wanted fish for dinner. At first, I wasn't overly thrilled with the $8.99 price tag and only ended up making the purchase because I was in the mood for shrimp. However, it turned out to be a good decision. The first thing that stood out for me when it came to this product was the size of the shrimp. The pieces (at least most of them) were larger than what I normally get when I purchase other brands. This, in turn, meant I didn't need to make as much shrimp as I normally would make. When combined with the quantity in the bag, the larger pieces also meant I could squeeze a lot more out of the purchase. I was able to have shrimp with dinner on two separate occasions as well as have some of it for lunch twice (not counting leftovers from the first time I made it). This made the $8.99 price tag a bit more of a value. As far as taste goes, I had no complaints. The shrimp was, at minimum, as good as other brands I've purchas...

Park Plaza Pizza Meat Lover's Pizza

  I had planned on leftovers for dinner last night but, after cleaning out the fridge, realized we really didn't have enough leftovers to do that. As a result, I called an audible and had frozen pizza for dinner instead. I purchased this particular one through an ice rink fundraiser. While I've seen these at stores (for $4.99), I haven't been overly anxious to try them because my wife and I both aren't big thin crust fans. However, after having it, I thought it was an OK choice. The thing that really stood out for me when it came to this pizza was the number of toppings on it. There was a reasonable amount of meat, something I honestly didn't really expect considering these are usually less expensive than many other brands that do skimp on toppings. It probably could have used a little more cheese but, otherwise, I was happy with this. The sauce had an OK flavor to it. It had a decent blend of seasonings in it without being overseasoned. I, personally, would have pr...

Stouffer's Stuffed Peppers

  I had intended on making a steak dinner for the family last night but a hectic evening forced me to call a last-second audible and run to the grocery store for frozen meals instead.  I have had this product in the past. However, it had been several years since I last purchased it and I couldn't remember much about it. In fact, I spent a few minutes debating whether or not I really wanted to give this a try again or pick out something else. After having it for dinner, I am reasonably glad I made this purchase ($3.86). One of my biggest concerns about this product was how well the green peppers would turn out. Microwave dinners usually don't come out anywhere near as good as pictured and I figured the peppers would wind up being overcooked and tough. However, it turns out that wasn't the case. The peppers ended up cooked just right and I was able to cut into them, with little effort, using my fork. As far as flavor goes, I thought this product was OK. The sauce was a bit ri...

Kwik Trip Spaghetti and Meatballs Take Home Meal

  I normally try to bring leftovers to the office for lunch, primarily to save money. However, I really didn't have any in the fridge and didn't feel like preparing something so I decided to just pick up something at Kwik Trip on my way into the office. I've had this product before and, while it is a little more than I like to spend ($5.99), do think it is a good option if you are looking for something easy to make. The meatballs and sauce both have a good flavor and, unlike some other pre-packaged meals, the food doesn't lose quality when you microwave it (in other words, the pasta doesn't come out dry and crunchy). It is also a very filling meal with enough quantity for me to split over two meals (or lunch and an afternoon snack) if I choose to do so. That does help make the price a little more of a value in my book. My only real complaint is I wish the product came with a packet of Parmesan cheese you could add to the spaghetti as needed. It was OK without that, ...

Gluten Free Oreos

I had to swing by the grocery store for catfood last night and, while I was waiting for the checkout line to get a bit shorter, walked through the gluten-free section. I saw this product for $3.99 and decided to buy it. Ever since my wife discovered her wheat allergy, I've purchased various other products like this. Most of them have been soley for her because I haven't been a huge fan of the gluten free alternatives. However, I did decide to give these a try and was somewhat impressed. There are two kinds of gluten free foods out there, those that you can't tell are gluten free and those that have an obvious difference (like pasta). This one wound up being in the former category. Had I not been the one who purchased these, I probably would not have known they weren't real Oreos. In fact, if you were to mix these in a bowl with the regular sandwich cookies, it would likely be difficult to tell them apart. My wife definitely enjoyed the purchase. Oreos are her favorite c...

Three Childhood Videogame Obsessions That Should Be Made Into Movies

Video games have inspired multiple Hollywood blockbuster films, whether it is a single film like Sonic the Hedgehog or a film franchise like  Silent Hill  and  Resident Evil . Heck, even board games like Battleship were a film inspiration. With that in mind, I would like to share three videogames from my childhood I believe would make excellent movies. Image by  Mizter_X94  from  Pixabay   Mutant League Football My Movie Premise - After being banned from the National Football League for gambling, a talented but disgraced coach gets a second chance with a start-up league featuring teams made up of mutants and monsters playing on fields full of landmines and other deadly traps. Desperate for redemption, he agrees to coach the Ice Bay Bashers, the worst team in the league. A week later, he notices the fine print in his contract - if his team doesn't win the league championship, his players are allowed to eat him.\ Punch-Out!! My Movie Premise - After King...

Movie Review: The Thing From Another World (1951)

Synopsis:  A United States Air Force crew and a team of scientists discover a crashed UFO near the North Pole. They accidentally destroy the ship while trying to extract it from the ice but recover the frozen body of an alien passenger. When the creature is accidentally thawed out at their research station, the blood-sucking alien begins to threaten their lives and the team must find a way to kill it. Who's in it?  The movie stars  Kenneth Tobey ,  Margaret Sheridan ,  Robert Cornthwaite ,  Robert Nichols ,  Dewey Martin  and  James Arness  as the creature. Review:  I've lost count of the number of times I've seen the  1982 remake  of this movie and, when I came across this version the other day, realized I had never actually seen it in its entirety. Partly out of curiosity, I decided to finally watch it and, while I still think the remake is the better version, have to say I enjoyed it. I think the thing I liked best abou...