The Guy You Settled For (A Poem)


Image courtesy of autumnsgoddess0 via Pixabay

You can do better than me.
That’s what I constantly hear.
Whether it comes from your friends, 
Or some random guy at the bar drinking a beer.
They think you settled, and they are probably right.
You are, after all, a ten while I am just a generous five.
That means at the minimum,
I am the luckiest man alive.
There are plenty of other guys you could have.
In fact, I can see them all waiting impatiently in line.
However, while they may be younger, more handsome and energetic.
I can guarantee you they’ll never be as respectful and kind.
Others may promise you the world and/or a good time.
But you’re never going to find a man who is as devoted or will love you more
Than the lucky guy
You settled for.


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