Doctor Who Episode Review: Wild Blue Yonder (2023)
Synopsis: After Donna Noble (Catherine Tate) spills coffee on the TARDIS control panel, she and the Doctor (David Tennant) are sent spiraling out of control across time and space before coming to a stop onboard a spaceship at the far edge of the universe. While waiting for the TARDIS to make repairs, it suddenly leaves them stranded in what the Doctor believes to be a built-in flight response to danger despite the mysterious ship they discovered seeming to be abandoned. They soon learn they aren't alone, however, when a pair of aliens appear and try to duplicate their form so they can be the ones to leave when the TARDIS returns.
Review: After re-discovering this series on Disney Plus earlier this week and watching The Star Beast a couple days ago, my wife and I decided to see the next installment in the Doctor/Donna adventure, Wild Blue Yonder. The episode more than exceeded our expectations.
As I mentioned before, Donna remains my favorite Doctor companion, and this episode put the chemistry between Tennant and Tate on full display by them being the only two actors for the majority of the story (playing two roles each). That's not as easy as it sounds but they did it brilliantly.
I think the thing that impressed me most was how the episode, through revelations from their wannabe doppelgangers, focused a bit more on their relationship and some of the disconnect that had grown between them over the course of 15 years. This included the things the Doctor chose not to tell Donna about his past and their fight when she realized they might be stranded and remembered the family she might be leaving behind. It made their relationship seem more real.
The episode itself was also enjoyable to watch. There were quite a few things going on. First, you had the mystery about the ship, why it was abandoned and why everything (especially a robot walking down a long corridor) was moving in slow motion or randomly reorganizing itself. The two aliens, in the meantime, gave the episode a bit of a horror element, both from the weird ways they were able to contort their bodies and the confusion over which Doctor/Donna was the real one. Then, of course, you also had the part about the missing TARDIS and how they would get off the ship.
I thought the ending was solid as well, with the Doctor (with only seconds to think) trying to figure out which Donna to take home with him then following that up with a nice set up for another episode while still providing closure for this one. It was as well done as you could ask for and we appreciated that.
Final Opinion: This is a solid Doctor Who episode with some great performances from Tate and Tennant and a story that was better than some horror movies I've watched. I enjoyed it enough to rekindle my interest in the series.
My Grade: A
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