Movie Review: Back in Action (2025)
Synopsis: After a mission to recover an industrial control systems device from a group of terrorists goes wrong and their cover is exposed, CIA agents Matt and Emily, who are expecting a baby together, decide to let people think they died in a plane crash and go off the grid. Fifteen years later, they are married and living a quiet life in the suburbs with two kids, Alice and Leo. However, an incident involving their rebellious 14-year-old daughter results in their identities being exposed, putting their family in danger as multiple groups, believing they still have the ICS device in their possession, seek to take it from them.
Who's in it? The movie stars Jamie Foxx, Cameron Diaz, McKenna Roberts, Rylan Jackson and Glenn Close.
Review: The snow this weekend kept my wife and I home for most of the day yesterday and as a result of that, we wound up watching movies together. The first one, which she picked out, was dull to the point I stopped paying attention and couldn't even tell you much about it. The one I picked out, Back in Action, however, ended up being a great decision.
To be honest, I wasn't really sure what to expect from this film because the plot didn't sound like it was anything overly unique and based on the description, I wondered if it would be an attempt to combine True Lies with Spy Kids. Overall, the movie ended up being something that more than exceeded our expectations.
I think the thing I liked best about this film was how Emily (Diaz) and Matt (Foxx) were believable, both as a couple and as parents. Even when they had their disagreements, it was clear they still loved each other. As for the parenting stuff - let's just say my wife and I could relate to the challenges they were having with their teenager, Alice (Roberts). Glenn Close as Emily's estranged (and fun to watch) mother, Ginny, only added to all of that.
As far as the plot itself goes, I was impressed. The movie managed to be upbeat and funny but with plenty of action. Once their cover was blown, there were very few scenes where they weren't doing something to either keep from getting caught or to protect their kids. Plus, while the movie didn't forget it was supposed to be comical, it still managed to stay grounded, so the serious parts remained serious.
I also liked how there was some mystery involving who Emily and Matt could trust since even their ex-partners seemed to be working as double agents. Between that and the possible negative outcomes just from going into hiding, the ending wasn't as predictable as one would expect it to be and even opened up the door to a possible sequel while still providing closure as a stand-alone film.
Final Opinion: This is a surprisingly fun film to watch, with a good mix of comedy and action. I would recommend it as a result.
My Grade: A
Here are some reviews of other action movies:
Movie Review: I am Wrath (2016)
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